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Writer's pictureMr Victor Iboyi

The Holy Rosary and God's Mercy

We capitalize on the “weakness” of God – his mercy; for he does not know how to say “No” to a soul that is truly repentant asking for mercy.

The Blessed Lady said, "God will chastise the world. I pray constantly and ask for mercy on your behalf, but I want you to help by praying the Rosary. The prayer of the Rosary drives the evil one far away and vexes him to the extreme, so pray the rosary reverently with all your might, and in doing so, you will be helping me bring down the mercy of God, which is what the world needs right now. May Our Eternal Father help you as you amend your ways."

Part 2 message given to Christiana Agbo by the Blessed Lady at Aokpe, Nigeria - 1st January 1994

God our Father has two great qualities that appear opposed to each other: Justice and mercy. The Common preface II to the Eucharistic prayer expresses it this way: “For in goodness you created man and when he was justly condemned, in mercy you redeemed him, through Christ our Lord.” The life of Israel as a nation is replete with this sinusoidal history of justice and mercy.

The nature of God abhors sin some of which cry to heaven for vengeance (CCC 1867). Therefore, God is seen right from Adam to this day, as God of justice but also God of mercy. We realize that “if thou, Lord, should mark our guilt, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is mercy with thee so that thou art revered” Ps. 130:3-4. We capitalize on the “weakness” of God – his mercy; for he does not know how to say “No” to a soul that is truly repentant asking for mercy. The Ninevites repented “And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not” (Jonah 3:10 KJV).

Looking at the world today where what played out in Sodom and Gomorrah is now a joke, abortion and Euthanasia are legalized and many heinous sins which heavily attracted the justice of God in the biblical days are common place, our heavenly mother gives us insight as to the reason we are still “safe”: “I pray constantly and ask for mercy on your behalf”. She, however, wants us to cooperate with grace purchased by the Blood of the Lamb. She wants us to repent and join her in prayer as the justice of God is long overdue going by our actions today; that prayer where meditation of the incarnation of the word of God, his passion, death, resurrection and glory are recalled in our meditation. It is the Rosary. Our mother reveals that the evil one cannot stand those who recall mentally the events that led to his downfall. This prayer will also call down the mercy of God.

Let us learn to pray the Rosary every day especially at family level and also add the Divine mercy prayer every three O clock – the hour of mercy. These will call down God’s mercy and bring peace in the world. “Give me one million families praying the Rosary daily and the world is in peace”, says Pope Pius X. History is full of the stories of the potency of the Holy Rosary and its wonders. Pope Benedict XV summarized it all thus: “This prayer is powerful because of the praises it offers, the lessons it imparts, the graces it obtains and the triumphs it achieves”. “May our eternal Father help us as we amend our ways” and call down his mercy with the holy Rosary. Amen.

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