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Make the Word of God Your Companion

Writer's picture: Mr Victor IboyiMr Victor Iboyi

The Blessed Lady said, "Many of you are so worried about the future that you no longer value your life in the present. Make the word of God your companion, for it contains all truth. My children, many of you no longer live by this word of God; you have no understanding of it because your minds are too choked with the noise of the world, and you hardly give time to God."

Part 2 Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Christiana Agbo at the apparition ground, Aokpe Nigeria - 28th December 1997

A social media post once said that the past is a waste paper, the present a newspaper and the future a question paper. We worry so much about the mistakes of the past and fail to live our today. Isaiah 43:18 warns us “not to dwell on the past” while Our Lord, in giving us the rules of life in Mt. 6:33 wants us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and he adds very importantly in verse 34 that we should not be anxious about the future because the future will take care of itself. Today has enough trouble for itself. This is what Our Lady reminds us today.

A Saint said that we should live our lives as though we shall die today. In that way, we shall surely live right.

The Queen of heaven teaches us how to live our today. She wants us to feed our souls with the word of God and to live by its dictates. To be doers and not only hearers. To allow the word to be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Ps.119:105).

Our Mother is concerned about our inability to stop, take a break from the noisy world and meditate on the word. The first time the word success is mentioned in the scripture is in Joshua 1:8 and it is linked with meditation on the word of God. The Blessed Mother is methodical about how she wants her children to live and achieve success not only in this world but the ultimate success. May the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in God's sight (Ps. 19:4) Amen.

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