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Our Lady of Aokpe on Suffering and Penance

Our Lady asks us to OFFER ALL OUR SUFFERING AS PENANCE. Our Lady teaches us how to pray, how to suffer and how to adore. One thing that defines all of us is suffering. No one knows how to cherish it, or harmonize it. But, we hate it! Deny it! And almost ashamed of it! How many of us could even as a mere joke or acting out say to a doctor who wants to offer healing medication that he shouldn't bother because his or her illness is from heaven. Impossible! Is it! Madness isn't it! Would St Jacinta of Fatima have said to her doctor about her illness “Doctor, you can't heal me because my illness is from heaven, it is the wound of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”



















How do we talk about our suffering? To whom do we relate it to? Do we see suffering as punishment for sin? 


Listen to this, our Lady said to the children of Fatima, when you suffer something, say often,

"Oh, Jesus, it is for the love of you, for conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins  committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you this suffering."


Again, imagine this, our Lady’s first request from the children of Fatima, was “are you willing to offer yourself to accept willingly the sufferings it may please the most high God to send you in reparation for the sins committed against him." On one occasion during the apparition at Aokpe, Christiana asked our Lady to reduce the heat of the sun. She replied Offer it! The way to spiritual healing is to accept suffering and offer it as our Lady requested. What a consolation to know that our suffering is not wasted. To know that it has value in the hands of Jesus and Mary. So many times we hear of penance or suffering, where do we get it? As the Angel told the little children, do all that your parents ask you, when hurt by other children at play, don't revenge. Our Lady said to Lucia; at school obey your teachers. To all she said “in your daily work is your penance” Let us now be at peace to harvest it, deleting from our mind the idea that suffering is not my portion. Remember; do not seek to understand suffering, for you cannot Jesus told Padre Pio. Let us keep learning how to suffer and how to offer it.  Thanks.


Reflections on Our Lady's Message by Fr. Paulinus Emeka


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