Novena Indulgences
The faithful who devoutly offer their prayers in honor of St. Vincent de Paul, with the purpose of doing so for nine continuous days, may gain: a Plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions [Confession, Communion and recite one Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be for the intentions of the Pope], at the end of their novena. (Pius IX, audience Jan 3, 1849; S. C. of Bishops and Religious, Jan. 28, 1850; S. C. Ind., Nov. 2, 1876; S. P. Ap., Oct. 15, 1936.)
Using your regular Rosary, recite the Act of Contrition on your Crucifix or on St. Vincent de Paul medal:
Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all of my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of Hell. But most of all, my God, because I have offended Thee, who art all good and deserving of all of my love. And I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do my penance and to amend my life. Amen.
Recite the Our Father prayer on the first bead: Our Father, who art in heaven, hollowed be Thy name. Thy
kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Recite the Hail Mary prayer on the second bead: Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art
thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Recite the Glory Be prayer on the third bead: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.
After each mediation, please recite the following prayer: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
I. Help for the Poor: Dear St. Vincent, through you so many lives were saved from starvation and despair by the love you shared. Through your help, you opened your doors to feed everyone living on the streets and who had no money to purchase food for their families. Please St. Vincent, teach me the true meaning of charity by serving Jesus in the poor as you did. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
II. Relief for the Infirm: Dear St. Vincent, when the demands of caring for the sick became so great and help was needed, you helped form the Daughters of Charity. Through their efforts, they ministered to the suffering in the hospitals and on the streets, nursing the injured soldiers and elderly. Please St. Vincent, inspire my heart to visit the sick, wounded and diseased brethren in hospitals and nursing homes in my community. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
III. Consolation for the Afflicted: Dear St. Vincent, when wounded and captured by Turkish Brigantines, then sold into slavery in Africa, your unwavering faith and prayers converted many back to their Catholic faith. After seeing the living conditions of the prisoners, you cleansed them and nursed their sores. Your compassion brought forth great conversions. Please St. Vincent, inspire my heart to visit those detained in prison, so that I may be used as an instrument of conversion, peace and love just as you were. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
IV. Protection for the Abandoned: Dear St. Vincent, when walking the streets of Paris you witnessed a beggar mutilating a newborn baby in order of gaining sympathy and alms from those passing by. Immediately taking the baby away, you made a new oath to the Lord that you would help all children abused and living in the streets. Please St. Vincent, lead me to help and protect all children being abused and living on the streets so that they too can feel safe from the current evils of our society and receive the love they dearly need. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
V. Generosity of the Rich: Dear St. Vincent, through your prayers and guidance the wealthy women of your
community banned together to form the Ladies of Charity, creating a new lifeline of hope for all who were in need. From their generosity and efforts, new hospitals, prisons, orphanages, and schools were built infusing new hope into so many lives. Please St. Vincent, teach me the meaning of true charity by inspiring me to give generously to my Church and other organizations that help those in greater need. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
VI. Conversion for Sinners: Dear St. Vincent, you never hesitated to spend hours upon hours in the Confessional and through your virtuous examples and sufferings, hundreds of souls were led back to their Catholic faith. Once after hearing the confession of a man who had doubts of faith, you asked Jesus to allow you to suffer these torments of doubt instead of him. Please St. Vincent, intercede on my behalf to Jesus in delivering me from sinful temptations and the grace necessary to always make holy and sincere Confessions. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
VII. Zeal for Priests: Dear St. Vincent, you consented to forming a new congregation of priests when asked to do so and they devoted their lives to preaching in the villages and towns of France, instructing in the catechism and renouncing all thoughts of honor and worldly advancements. Please St. Vincent, place this same fiery zeal in the hearts of all priests, guarding them always from the temptations of this world and pray that they always remain committed to their Sacramental vows. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul, have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
VIII. Peace for the Church: Dear St. Vincent, when the heresy of Jansenism began spreading dangerous doctrines throughout the country, you fought diligently and heroically against those heretics that sought to destroy the church. Please St. Vincent, help me to discern any false teachings in this day and age that are being spread against Holy Church, always embracing what is holy and rejecting what is evil with courage. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
IX. Order for all Nations: Dear St. Vincent, you sent your most beloved priests and nuns to foreign lands in
order to spread the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord. Many of these priests were martyred while helping the starving, poor, and teaching the uneducated. Please St. Vincent, lead me to support all missionaries, foreign and domestic, while they offer educational, health and welfare services to those most in need and in every nation. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
X. Salvation for All: Dear St. Vincent, upon hearing the confession of a dying man, you discovered the many mortal sins he had been hiding, receiving Holy Eucharist unworthily and thus committing sacrilege for many years. Through your gentleness and kindness, you helped him make a virtuous Confession and he received his final Sacraments, dying in the State of Grace. Holy St. Vincent, please ensure that I always make full and contrite Confessions and obtain the graces necessary to ensure my eternal salvation. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul; have mercy on us, our nation and on the whole world. Amen.
Let Us Pray: O glorious St. Vincent, heavenly patron of all charitable associations and father of all who are in misery, while you were on earth you never cast out any who came to you. Oh consider by what evils we are oppressed and come to our assistance! Obtain from the Lord: help for the poor, relief for the infirm, consolation for the afflicted, protection for the abandoned, a spirit of generosity for the rich, the grace of conversion for sinners, zeal for priests, peace for the church, tranquility and order for all nations, and salvation for them all. Yes, let all men prove the effects of your merciful intercession, so that being helped by you in the miseries of this life, we may be united to you in the life to come, where there shall be no more grief, nor weeping, nor sorrow, but joy and gladness and everlasting happiness. Amen.
An indulgence of 300 days, a Plenary Indulgence once a month, on the usual conditions, for the daily
recitation of this prayer (S. C. Ind., June 23, 1885; S. P. Ap., May 20, 1